General 01793 647800 Service Queries 01793 647871


Nationwide Coverage



40+ Engineers


Excellent Support Packages


Low Carbon Emission vehicles

Repairs and Maintenance


Established in 1878 Metric have a long record of providing maintenance services to a multitude of electronic and mechanical products, specialising in the last 40 years in the Parking and Transport sectors.

Metric are ideally positioned to provide support in many areas of automated service and can offer a variety of support packages,  Time & Materials, Fixed Contracts, Support Contracts and Service Only contracts from complete turnkey services and resident engineers, to single bespoke pay as you go machine support all from our nationwide coverage of service engineers.

You choose the one that suits your business.


Parking & Transportation


Metric have a proven track record in offering excellent support ranging to:

Nationwide operators

Local authorities

Private operators

Customers Include:

APCOA, Britannia Parking, Euro Car Parks, ParkingEye, Smart Parking, TPS.

Blackpool Council, Bournemouth Council, Bristol City Council, Cardiff Council, Espom & Ewell Borough Council, Fife Council, Guildford Borough Council, Gwynedd Council,  Herefordshire District Council, LB of Bexley, LB of Hillingdon, LB of Sutton, Lancashire County Council, Leicester City Council, Liverpool City Council, Nottingham City Council, Oxford City Council, Pembrokeshire Council, Rushmoor Borough Council, Staffordshire County Council, City of Stoke, Swansea City Council, Warwickshire District Council, Wiltshire Council, Wychavon District.

NHS Trusts, National Trust, Forestry Commission, English Heritage

Nationwide Cover


Metric’s network of fully trained engineers are strategically placed around the UK enabling Metric to provide truly nationwide cover. Utilising the latest low emissions vehicles, scheduling and routing tools. All engineers are backed up from our head offices in Swindon by a team of technical support staff, dedicated call centre and spares inventory.


Service and Maintenance team at the Lakes

Automated Service Solutions


Metric are now extending their service reach and wish to partner with other organisations and suppliers looking for a reliable service partner in new areas, to name a few:




For more information about our service and support packages contact :

Molly Rudman

Ash Bailey

Customer Service Director

Email Ash

Molly Rudman

Joanna Bradley

Client Service Manager

Tel: +44 (0)1793 647815

Click to call!

Email Joanna

For existing customer support and service query contact:

Customer Support

Tel: +44 (0)1793 647871

Click to call!

Email us